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Permacultural designs custom made agroecological tools to increase the efficiency of sowing seed in soil up to 400-800% compared to traditional methods.

Worldwide poverty and hunger remain some of the most urgent issues to be resolved. To reduce food scarcity, we need to find new ways of making agricultural processes more efficient which is why Permacultural decided to change the ways farmers handle their soil.
This innovation solves the problem of removing the soil for sowing because by using a twist, rather than a lever, the soil can be worked vertically. Permaculture design tools with sacred geometry for the height of each person and can be used by the elderly, young children and people with different capacities. They are adapted to left and right-handed. With the more than 40 models of these variants in shovels, layas, corkscrews and lever rakes, it is intended to appeal to any family.

Anyone with a small land, whether in rural, suburban or urban areas, will have the opportunity to easily grow their own plants. In consequence, this way of food production will support a circular economy and also a family and community economy.
