Nomi creates a symbiosis of aquaculture and hydroponics by using wastewater from trout fish farms to grow plants.
Unfortunately, the water waste from many fish farms is managed without consideration of the surrounding environment. Water is spilled into nearby rivers and ponds which drastically changes their biological profile, not considering the quantities of water the industry consumes. In a similar way, traditional agriculture uses about 70% of freshwater worldwide. This is why the move towards hydroponics is gaining momentum. The yield is higher and the plants tend to contain more nutrients.
The team of Nomi realised that these two sectors could work together and create profit while contributing to a positive impact on nature. They propose that trout fish farmers use their water for the growth of plants via hydroponics. This would create a perfect cycle. Vegetables would grow thanks to the abundance of nutrients in fish wastewater and in consequence, the water will get purified of negative components that usually affect the surrounding waters.
Aquaponics is the combination of two production systems derived from aquaculture and hydroponics. Its main purpose is to generate high-quality food for direct human consumption, to take advantage of the waste of aquatic organisms before their bacterial decomposition and to convert them into nutrients that plants require for their development.