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BEAWaRe seek to provide citizens with easily accessible information about waste management by developing smart waste collectors.

Some of the largest amounts of GHG emissions produced globally can be directly linked to the waste sector. However, people feel disconnected from the processes of recycling and proper waste management. The existent monitoring systems lack precision and the data is confusing to the majority of citizens. They do not feel involved in the circular economy process and do not feel rewarded for the effort they put in separate collections.

A detailed, yet comprehensible monitoring system of waste is what could help lower these negative effects. BEAWaRe develops waste collectors with weight and level self-powered sensors, that get triggered when waste is thrown inside. Each bin has a tag and a memory where data is collected through an app that sends it to a server. Finally, by using artificial intelligence analytics, data come back to citizens and waste managers as useful information. In such a way, an ordinary person can get easy but detailed insight into their impact.
BEAWaRe gives people tools to act on this issue with daily actions while tracking their active contribution to the climate change fight.
