Bare Native
ng.Bare Native have developed a bioremediation strategy, which eliminates contaminants in freshwater, therefore prevents eutrophication.
Frequent flooding has become a concern for many environmental scientists but its effects are far more dangerous than expected. With excessive runoff from fields, fertilizers wash into lakes and the ocean and promote the rapid growth of algae. These resulting algal blooms clog coasts and waterways with clouds of algae that produce toxins and are especially dangerous because they can survive purification processes. Algal blooms also impact industries that rely on the water for business and often cause local waterfronts to shut down during blooms.
The team behind Bare Native has been working on adequate technology to solve these issues for over 5 years. The essence of their bioremediation strategy is the enrichment of water with bacterial species that take a significant part in the freshwater’s natural self-purification processes, by highly accelerating them without any harmful side effects. Their diatom enhancement process using natural nutrients provide the diatoms with sufficient nutrients to thrive. With the availability of adequate nutrients and sunlight, diatoms replicate approximately every 24 hours.
In summary, their processes successfully re-establish the lake’s ability for self-purification to fight against eutrophication, also to carry out algae or aquatic weed control and water quality improvement.