Viajero Market

Viajero Market
Viajero Market
Viajero Market
Viajero Market
  • 10
  • 25
  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 500
  • 1000
  • 5000
  • 10000
  • -

Viajero Market provides a mobile app that connects Amazonian entrepreneurs from territorial reserve Madre de Dios with potential customers.

Madre de Dios is a region facing huge social, economic, and environmental challenges. Although the presence of the mining industry is prevalent amongst the inhabitants, there have been some entrepreneurial ventures emerging as alternative business models to preserve the biodiversity and consumption of local products and services from this region. However, due to lack of organization, business education and access to broader markets, their business survival, growth, and scaling are in constant threat and remain at high risk.

The ViajeroMarket app aims to close the technology gap by connecting Amazonian entrepreneurs directly to potential customers that are looking for simpler and quicker access to their market. By using the app, the users will be able to validate in real-time the economic and social impact that their purchase accounts for the region. This project can potentially strengthen the economic growth in Madre de Dios, offer decent jobs, raise awareness amongst customers, bridge the digital gap of the inhabitants and dissuade them from illegal logging of the mining industry.

As a bonus to these benefits, the app also intends to include useful information for tourists who wish to pay a visit to the beautiful reserve.

Viajero Market