SOSEI provides a number of services that can help farmers adopt regenerative agriculture and carbon farming practices.
The importance of regenerative agriculture for mitigating climate change has been extensively documented by now. We know it is possible, and productively and economically viable, however, the problem is that academics and farmers have different mindsets. Local farmers think in financial terms and realise their lands are being degraded, losing their economic value.
SOSEI are a bridge between soil management science and real farming practices. They integrate biodiversity management, soil microbiology management, grassland and crop management techniques and special software to translate these farm management decisions to sound economic logic, where farmers will clearly see the benefits. Their portfolio will include on-farm consulting, land regeneration through innovative grazing services, native seed mixes for natural grassland restoration, regenerative standard audits to obtain certifications, on-site measuring of regenerative indicators and carbon sequestration indicators.
Making regenerative agriculture a mainstream reality is one of the most important tools both for mitigating and adapting to climate change. Good regenerative practices harness the soils´ potential as a very stable carbon sink, and good soil and grassland health increase resilience associated with climate variability, which has a direct impact on food security and even human health.