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Synnup connects students from different careers to solve real challenges presented by organizations. This will allow the creation of a multidisciplinary team with different profiles for the development of comprehensive and higher quality solutions to be presented as their thesis.

Many students find it difficult to define a thesis topic or there is nothing that motivates them to do so. In addition, others carry out the thesis in order to approve and not propose any practical proposal that adds value to society. Thanks to the COVID pandemic, the digitization of courses around the world accelerated, but the application of this knowledge in the field remains to be promoted. The success of the solution can be seen by measuring the number of challenges solved, the number of graduates and startups created. There will be more graduates, greater social responsibility, and early interaction of young talents.

In this way, Synnup helps materialize ideas and ensure that they are of outstanding quality, thanks to the support and monitoring of the universities. Once the job is finished, students will have an enriching experience, which will be very similar to a real work environment, being able to work together with other professionals around the world, thus promoting creativity and cultural exchange. In turn, the universities will avoid the desertion of their students by encouraging them to graduate, since today in Argentina only 30% of those enrolled do so.
