January 2021: Intranet and Extranet Launch


Circular Influence dynamically started the year 2021 by launching a community intranet and extranet platform for all members to use.

The Circular Influence team consists of a variety of members many of whom are based in different countries. Therefore, the international nature of our organization requires a solid operations base where members can effortlessly collaborate on our activities. Launching the intranet and extranet allowed our organization to expand further around the world and take on more programmes. Now, we are able to complete tasks faster, share ideas with other members, communicate with the public, rely on an organizational database but most importantly foster our proposal of a positive environmental impact and keep us accountable to the goals we have set for ourselves.

Simply put, thanks to this fast adaptation to an ever-changing world we can now fully rely on a vibrant working community.

January 2021: Intranet and Extranet Launch


Circular Influence dynamically started the year 2021 by launching a community intranet and extranet platform for all members to use.

The Circular Influence team consists of a variety of members many of whom are based in different countries. Therefore, the international nature of our organization requires a solid operations base where members can effortlessly collaborate on our activities. Launching the intranet and extranet allowed our organization to expand further around the world and take on more programmes. Now, we are able to complete tasks faster, share ideas with other members, communicate with the public, rely on an organizational database but most importantly foster our proposal of a positive environmental impact and keep us accountable to the goals we have set for ourselves.

Simply put, thanks to this fast adaptation to an ever-changing world we can now fully rely on a vibrant working community.